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Achieving good outcomes under the Consumer Duty - part 1

Recorded: 26/05/2022

Duration: 1 hour, 20 minutes

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£12.50+VAT per person

This is the on demand registration page for part one of our two part Consumer Duty event. You will find part two here.

The FCA’s new Consumer Duty is a flagship legislative initiative for the regulator’s new senior management team, adding the new Principle of good outcomes for retail customers to the existing headline regulatory requirements. This webinar discusses how this will impact the different parts of our industry and what it will mean for consumers.

The webinar brings together insurance industry figures and consumer representatives to discuss the longer-term aims and impacts of the regulator’s new initiative, as well as any short-term implementation challenges. Whether what interests you is insurance products and services, price and value, or solving the perennial issue of customer understanding, join us to discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead, both for our sector and across financial services more generally.

Keynote speakers:

Panel speakers:

Why watch?

  • Learn about the regulator’s expectations for the industry and what good outcomes could look like under the new Consumer Duty.
  • Discover what implementing the new Consumer Duty will look like in practice, including key challenges to firms (both long term strategic challenges and short term implementation issues).
  • Engage with discussions and a range of firms’ perspectives on longer-term impacts of the new Duty on the insurance, and wider financial services sector, including any potential sector-wide opportunities it may provide.
  • Gain 2 hours worth of CPD with this CII accredited webinar.

What will you learn?

By the end of this webinar, delegates will be able to...

  • Identify some of the challenges in defining what “good outcomes” should look like under the new Consumer Duty after the implementation period and to understand better what the regulator expects from firms in this space.
  • Describe what implementation of the new Consumer Duty may look like in practice, including a range of anticipated challenges, both short term and long term, to firms.
  • Outline different perspectives on anticipated longer term impacts of the new Duty for consumers and firms, as well as any potential sector-wide opportunities it may provide.
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