A genetic test is a medical test that identifies the content of your DNA. The results of a genetic test can confirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition or help determine your chance of getting or passing on a genetic condition.
Genetic test results, like other test results, can help insurers to assess your risk and set the level of cover and the cost of the premium you will have to pay.
Genetic tests can be used to diagnose or predict a genetic condition.
- Diagnostic genetic testing
If you have signs or symptoms of a genetic condition, a diagnostic genetic test confirms or rules out whether you have the condition.
A positive test result (sometimes called an adverse test result) means that the faulty gene causing the condition has been found. This result confirms the diagnosis of the condition.
A negative test result (sometimes called a normal test result) means a faulty gene has not been found and you do not have that condition.
Predictive genetic testing
If a genetic condition runs in your family, but you have no sign or symptom of the condition, a genetic test can predict your future risk of getting the condition.
A positive test result (sometimes called an adverse test result) means that the faulty gene has been found and you are likely to get the condition.
A negative test result (sometimes called normal test result) means the faulty gene has not been found and you will not get that condition.
The Government and ABI’s Code on Genetic Testing an Insurance sets out the way that genetic test results can be used. It makes sure that consumers can take out significant amounts of insurance without having to disclose the results and that insurance companies are able to use the information they need to assess and price the risks of customers.
For more information
- read our Consumer Guide to the Code on Genetic Testing and Insurance
- read Code on Genetic Testing and Insurance.
- read NHS genetic testing and counselling services