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The Multiverse of Prudential Regulation


Where: Association of British Insurers - UK Head Office - London, One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London, EC3N 2LB, United Kingdom

Registration: 08:30. This event includes a networking breakfast.

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In science, the multiverse theory suggests that our universe and its numerous stars, planets and satellites all spanning billions of light years may not be the only one that exists. Whilst there is little tangible evidence supporting the existence of a multiverse, parallels can indeed be drawn with the world of insurance prudential regulation. In our prudential regulation multiverse, there are myriad topics of interest to the UK’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and other domestic and international Regulators which impact our sector. These issues which have both financial and operational resilience implications for firms and the wider sector also transcend Solvency UK reform which given its importance has rightly dominated the discourse over the last few years.

Important topics that fall squarely within this multiverse include liquidity risk management, operational resilience (including critical third party and cyber risk management), funded reinsurance, recovery and resolution (including solvent exit planning), stress testing, technology and the all-important Solvency UK. There are also broader considerations of innovation and how the PRA’s secondary objective on economic growth and competitiveness will impact its approach to regulation and enable our industry to play a leading role in the UK’s economic growth, international competitiveness and transition to a net zero economy. 

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During this event, our mission is to go to infinity and beyond by exploring all the afore mentioned topics in detail. The event will also be unique in its format and will include 7 expert sessions supported by subject matter expert speakers in these fields and a keynote address. After all the experts have spoken, there will be an in-conversation style panel with all the speakers on stage to further discuss the topics explored from the sessions and to take questions from the audience. 

Expert Sessions:

  • Liquidity Risk Management
  • Operational Resilience
  • Funded Reinsurance
  • Recovery and Resolution (including Solvent exit planning)
  • Stress Testing
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Solvency UK Reform

Confirmed Speakers: 


  • Isaac Alfon, Managing Director, Consulting Crowe
  • Matt Benaron, CEO of Vantage Point Consulting
  • Matt Clay, Senior Manager, Risk and Compliance, Baringa
  • Iain Macintyre, Head of Risk and Capital, Hymans Robertson
  • Andy Moss CA, Account Director, CCH® Tagetit
  • Tamsin Meakin, Partner, Oliver Wyman 

What will delegates learn?

  • Explore – current or proposed regulatory requirements in areas such as liquidity risk management, operational resilience (including critical third party and cyber risk management), funded reinsurance, recovery and resolution (including solvent exit planning), stress testing and technology and innovation.
  • Understand – Why these matters are topical and of interest to regulators and should be of interest to firms.
  • Learn – best practice and ways to comply with these regulatory requirements.
  • Hear – from some of the brightest minds on these topics in our industry and much further afield.
  • Win – we will be running a live quiz during the event with the winner announced at the end of the event and offered a prize and trophy.
  • Take advantage of 3 hours’ worth of CPD points with this CII accredited event
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