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Andrew Griffith, Economic Secretary to the Treasury

Andrew Griffith.jpgThe City Minister, Andrew Griffith, will be giving a keynote address at the ABI’s Annual Conference. The City Minister has been closely engaged with the sector since being appointed in September 2022 and has played a key role in delivering the Government’s proposed reforms of the Solvency II regulatory reforms and the wider package of financial services reforms announced in December and titled The Edinburgh Reforms’. With the Financial Services and Markets Bill continuing its passage through Parliament, we look forward to hearing from the City Minister on the role our sector can play in driving growth and the challenges and opportunities as we look ahead to 2023.

Andrew Griffith has been the MP for Arundel and South Down since December 2019. He has held several key roles in Government and presented to the ABI’s Board during his time as No.10 Business Adviser. He also previously served as the Government’s Net Zero Champion where he spoke at the ABI’s inaugural Climate Summit and welcomed the publication of the ABI’s Climate Roadmap. Mr Griffith has been closely involved with the Government’s proposals for the reform of the Financial Services Regulatory Framework and on Solvency II.