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Laura Evans, Chief Actuary, Flood Re

Laura Evans.jpegLaura Evans is the Chief Actuary at Flood Re, has chaired the IFOA’s Flood Working Party since 2020 and is also a member of the Climate Change Working Party and the General Insurance Pricing Research Group.

Laura has over 12 years of experience in the insurance market with broad experience across consultancy, London market and reinsurance.

Recent work includes:

  • Presenting at the 2024 GIRO conference ‘UK flood insurance: next steps (or strokes) toward a post-2039 solution’
  • Presenting at the 2023 GIRO conference ‘To price flood risk reflective or not’ and ‘Flood events that made us think again’
  • Contributing to a 2023 Brian-Hey prize winning paper ‘Reserving for climate change 2023 working party update: Litigation, Wording and Qualitative tools’
  • Insurance post podcast November 2023: ‘How climate change is transforming insurance.’
  • Jointly presenting an analysis with RMS at the RMS conference in New York on the interplay between Climate Change and Defences for the UK City of York.
  • At the 2022 GIRO conference presenting on ‘How the UK can end reliance on Flood Re by 2039?’