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Philippa Herz, Chief Finance Officer, OneFamily

Philippa Herz.jpgPhilippa has more than 30 years of insurance company leadership and a wealth of Board level experience.  She has been Chief Finance Officer of OneFamily since December 2023, a role which includes leadership of Actuarial and Investment Product and Strategy functions, as well as Finance teams. Philippa previously held the role of Chief Risk Officer at OneFamily from July 2016 with responsibility for the Risk and Compliance functions as well as leadership of broader governance functions including Company Secretarial and Legal. Prior to joining OneFamily, she was Enterprise Risk Director at Bupa, working to implement risk management frameworks across the global insurance and healthcare provision businesses. She also previously worked at Friends Life as Group Head of Risk Governance and Solvency II Pillar 2 lead; Legal & General as Compliance Policy Director and Product Director, Retail Savings; and in the Actuarial and Regulatory consultancy practices of PwC, advising on both prudential and conduct risks. 

Philippa is a qualified actuary and has degree in Economics & Statistics from UCL. Outside of work she volunteers as a mentor for sixth form students and serves as Safeguarding Governor of her local primary school.