Barry O'Dwyer, President of the ABI Keynote Address to ABI Annual Conference 2022
Our President of the ABI, Barry O'Dwyer delivered a Keynote Address at the ABI Annual Conference 2022.
Hannah Gurga speech at the ABI Annual Dinner 21st February 2022
It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the ABI’s annual dinner, and my privilege to do so as the ABI’s new Director General...
COP26: Risk Sharing in the climate emergency - A call to action
The insurance and long-term savings sector must do all it can to help combat the climate emergency, Ben Wilson, Director of Corporate Affairs and Climate Change outlined in his speech to our COP 26 event, held in association with ClimateWise and Glasgow City Council on 3 November.
James Dalton speech to the Dod’s House Briefing Series on Building and Fire Safety
Our Director of General Insurance James Dalton delivered a keynote speech for the Dod’s House Briefing Series on Building and Fire Safety.
James Dalton keynote speech - The Need for Health Insurers to Mind The Gaps - Cover magazine Health Insurance Live event
Our Director of General Insurance, James Dalton, delivered the keynote address to the Cover Magazine's Health Insurance Live conference on The Need for Health Insurance to "Mind the Gaps".
James Dalton address on "Covid-19 - The New Risk Landscape" at the Commercial Risk Conference
Our Director of General Insurance, James Dalton, delivered the keynote address to the Commercial Risk conference: “Claims Management - Adapting to new long-term risk trends” on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the changing risk landscape.
Jon Dye, ABI Chair: Keynote Address to ABI Annual Conference 2021
ABI Chair, Jon Dye, CEO of Allianz opened the ABI Annual Conference 2021 on 23 February 2021, with a keynote address reflecting on the year since the onset of the pandemic, how the sector responded through 2020 and looking ahead to challenges and opportunities for the industry in the future, including GI Pricing, Climate Change and Solvency II Reform.
James Dalton speech to the Westminster Business Forum: The UK Insurance Sector: Regulation Protecting consumers and the impact of Brexit
The future of the UK insurance industry post transition and learning lessons from the pandemic 10 February 2020 Introduction Good morning. To draw on a weather metaphor, 2020 was a stormy year…
Huw Evans Future-proofing the freedoms: what next?
Introductory remarks by ABI Director General, Huw Evans, at the Future-proofing the freedoms: what next? webinar on the 18 November 2020.
Huw Evans speech at the ABI Annual Dinner 24th February 2020
Thank you, Jon. And allow me to add my welcome to everyone here. You all have many demands on your time and we really appreciate that you have chosen to spend a few hours with us here this evening. I…