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Supporting a sustainable healthcare system

By encouraging healthy habits, providing people with the means to intervene at an early stage and enabling them to take care of their everyday health, we are reducing the financial burden on the state and supporting a sustainable healthcare system.

Healthcare will continue to present some key challenges to future Governments. According to ONS figures, public sector healthcare expenditure increased from £44.1 billion in 1997 to £125.5 billion in 2013 and it is unlikely that this trend will reverse in the future. The costs of poor health will continue to increase as more people live with chronic conditions for longer and we discover new and more effective – but also more expensive – types of treatment.

By complementing the services provided by the public sector where needed, desired, and in the interest of patients, insurers can play an important role in ensuring that the UK continues to enjoy the highest standards of healthcare in the 21st century. Insurers are committed to supporting the government, the NHS, employers, individuals and families.

People who invest in health insurance take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing and help alleviate increasing pressures on the public sector. This is a good thing. Those who can afford to pay for private care not only take care of themselves but also support all those around them by freeing space for other patients in the NHS.