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Opportunistic fraud

Some fraudsters are highly organised and may be involved in a wide range of other criminal offences. On the other hand, some people who have never committed a crime before will discover an opportunity, perhaps on the back of a legitimate claim, to defraud their insurer.

Opportunistic fraud can be committed on all types of insurance, from motor to property, pet or travel insurance.

For example, adding a younger driver to your policy when they are in fact the main driver to bring the premium down is known as ‘fronting’. If a driver is found to be fronting they may have all or part of their insurance claim refused by their insurer, their policy may be cancelled and they could face prosecution for fraud, which can lead to a criminal record.

Research commissioned by the ABI shows that most opportunistic frauds arises because the perpetrators believe it’s easy to commit, that they aren’t committing a serious crime and that they won’t get caught.

Committing insurance fraud can have serious consequences: the claim may not get paid at all and you may find it difficult to get insurance in the future. Fraudsters may obtain a criminal conviction and even face imprisonment.

If you suspect someone of insurance fraud report them to the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) Cheatline by calling 0800 422 0421 or by filling out a form on the IFB’s website.