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Your search for excess increase after making a claim resulted in 2459 hits
Market value excess of investments
This is the difference between the market value and the (account) book value of a company’s investments. -
What else should I know?
The cost of insurance The cost of pet insurance will vary between insurers and can depend on a range of factors. These can include (but are not…
Property evacuations and access restrictions
Property insurance, whether for your home or business, is generally designed to come into play when damage is done. It helps with repairs, provides alternative accommodation and can provide emergency…
If bad weather prevents me from travelling can I claim on travel insurance?
You should contact your airline or travel agent for advice. Some travel insurance policies may offer some cover for missed flights due to your journey to the airport being disrupted in certain circumstances, so check your travel policy. If your flight is delayed by bad weather, then policies may pay a fixed cash sum after a specified number of hours delay, and also if delay caused by bad weather forces you to abandon your trip.
Flood Re explained
Flood Re is a reinsurance company, which means it enables insurance companies to insure themselves against losses because of flooding.
What do I need to do differently?
If you are the main beneficiary and making a claim, you can ask your insurance company if they can apply the new process. Then they will ask you to provide some information – for example, about your relationship to the deceased – and ask you to sign a declaration that you will pay back any money they pay you that you are not entitled to. -
Best Practice: Offering cash settlements to customers after a flood
As an industry, insurers are committed to supporting customers who have been flooded, particularly those who are vulnerable. It is an insurer’s first priority when a customer is flooded to help…
Mesothelioma and asbestos
Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer which kills around 2,400 people in the UK each year.
David Clissitt
After retiring from full-time work in 2020 David returned to Lloyd’s where he had previously been Head of Tax & Treasury. He has significant experience of UK and international tax policy…
Claim frequency
The number of claims made on a policy.
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