Pratap Tambe

Business Development Manager - Insurance, UK

Pratap Tambe has 20+ years of experience in IT services for a global customer base including 6+ years of experience in the London Insurance Market. He is well known for his LinkedIn articles and public speaking on London Market TOM, Blockchains and Catastrophe Modelling. He led TCS' contributions to the London Market TOM consultation which has been incorporated into the London Market TOM blueprint. His 2015 description of how commercial insurance industry could leverage private Blockchains has proven quite accurate and his 2017 view of why B3i should not use private blockchains has also been widely appreciated including B3i stakeholders. He is actively evangelising big data and machine learning technologies to transform exposure data capture and transformation as well as multi-model catastrophe modelling and spoke on this topic recently at the Lloyds Old Library.

Twitter - @prataptambay
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Pratap Tambe