The ABI is the voice of the UK’s world-leading insurance and long-term savings industry, which is the largest sector in Europe and the third largest in the world. We represent more than 300 firms within our membership, including most household names and specialist providers, providing peace of mind to customers across the UK.
We are a purpose-led organisation: Together, driving change to protect and build a thriving society. On behalf of our members, we work closely with the UK’s governments, HM Treasury, regulators, consumer organisations and NGOs, to help ensure that our industry is trusted by customers, is invested in people and planet, and can drive growth and innovation through an effective market.
A productive and inclusive sector, our industry supports towns and cities across Britain in building a balanced and innovative economy, employing over 300,000 individuals in high-skilled, lifelong careers, two-thirds of whom are outside of London. Our members manage investments of £1.5 trillion, pay over £17.2 billion in taxes to the Government and support communities and businesses across the UK.
The ABI:
- has over 300 member firms, including most household names and specialist providers
- was formed in 1985 and is funded by members’ subscriptions on a not-for-profit basis
- our members are major tax contributors, paying over £17.2 billion to the Government
- all our members agree to our compulsory codes of conduct
Our role is to:
- get the right people together to help inform public policy debates, engaging with politicians, policymakers and regulators at home and abroad.
- be the public voice of the sector, promoting the value of its products and highlighting its importance to the wider economy
- help encourage consumer understanding of the sector’s products and practices
- support a competitive insurance industry, in the UK and overseas
We do not sell insurance, nor are we regulators of the sector.
The UK insurance market:
- is responsible for more than 300,000 jobs in an industry which is highly-skilled and global
- provides peace of mind to businesses and families across the UK
- enables exports and invests in new technologies that will secure Britain’s prosperity