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The ABI and our members are pioneers of the Pensions Dashboards project since the conceptual stage. This digital service will allow people to see their pensions together in a place of their choice 24/7. In 2023, many of our members will be the first to make their data available to customers through the dashboards ecosystem. This hub hosts insights and resources to support our members and other interested parties to get involved in the programme and harnessing opportunities from this revolutionary change.

Becoming a dashboard provider

Customers are at the heart of the industry when developing the digital proposition.

Here's our user research and insights reports, which explains what potential users want and how the industry could help.

See our findings


Proof of concept

The ABI and our members contributed to the formation
of the dashboards concept through developing a white
paper and the pilot on behalf of HM Treasury.

Here you can find the learnings from both projects.

See our findings


Member Zone

Pension and dashboard providers will need to comply with new regulations and rules when taking part in the dashboards ecosystem. From consumer insights to summary of policy work, here you will find resources supporting you to fulfil the requirements.

Login to see more



The ABI and industry experts’ take on what Pensions Dashboards

could do and the challenges ahead.

Read our insights