Our board members
Rt Hon. Baroness Nicky Morgan
Chair of the ABI
Tim Bailey
President of the ABI
UK Chief Executive, Zurich
Ken Norgrove
Deputy President, ABI
CEO, UK & International, RSA Insurance
Baroness Dianne Hayter
Independent Non-Executive Director and Senior Independent Director (SID)
Chira Barua
CEO, Scottish Widows and CEO, Insurance, Pensions & Investments
Anthony Baldwin
Chief Executive Officer, AIG UK
Tracy Blackwell
Chief Executive Officer, Pension Insurance Corporation
Dame Amanda Blanc
Group CEO, Aviva
Clive Bolton
CEO, M&G Life Insurance
Andy Briggs
Group Chief Executive Officer, Phoenix Group
Tara Foley
CEO, Axa UK & Ireland
Colm Holmes
Allianz UK CEO
Cristina Nestares
CEO UK Insurance, Admiral Group Plc
Barry O'Dwyer
Group Chief Executive Officer, Royal London
Tom Pearce
Chief Executive Officer, Rothesay
Jason Richards
CEO UK&I, Swiss Re
Adam Winslow
CEO, Direct Line Group
Debra Marsh
Board Secretary