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Industry data: discover our data packages

Our extensive data publications cover everything from motor and property insurance to life assurance and pensions. 

The packages are available for internal use, free of charge, for ABI members. If you are an ABI member, please log in, or register here

We have a range of purchase and subscription options for non-members, find out more here.

Data packages

All our Data packages can be found here. ABI members have free access to this data and need to login above to access.

Access our data packages

Licences & Subscriptions

This page details how ABI Data is available under two different licences – internal use and external use.

Read about our data licences

Former ABI Code Lists

The former ABI code lists (such as construction, occupation and claims types) are now managed for the insurance industry by Polaris. Enquiries relating to subscription to the lists should be directed here.

Enquiries relating to Code List 44 (Vehicle Identification Codes) should be directed to Thatcham at https://www.thatcham.org/what-we-do/group-rating.

Contact ABI Data & Analytics

If you require further information about our Industry Data subscription packages, please provide your details in the form below, and our Statistics team will contact you to discuss your requirements.

Key contacts

Dan Sadler

Assistant Director, Head of Data & Analytics

Nathan Wilson

Senior Data & Analytics Adviser

George Hedley

Data & Analytics Adviser

Lauren Willcox

Senior Data & Analytics Adviser