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Tish Hanifan, Founder and Jt Chair, Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA)

Tish Hanifan (002).jpgTish is a barrister and the Founder and Joint Chairman of the Society of Later life Advisers. She has worked extensively in the areas of policy development, financial, legal training and advice delivery in relation to older people, and is involved in the delivery of national standard setting and accreditation for financial and legal advisers in the older client sector. Her areas of expertise encompass the retirement market and how policy impacts on retirement and care. 

Tish has worked with government departments and a variety of third sector and private organisations in developing and supporting good practice in relation to older and vulnerable clients. She was particularly involved with the implementation and delivery of the Care Act 2014 and sat on two working parties at the Department of Health which contributed to drafting parts of the legislation.

She is Vice Chair of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) in her home county of Kent and a Founder Member of Solicitors for the Elderly for which she is Head of Business Development.