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Insurers and long-term savings providers have long been at the forefront of research to better understand and prepare for risks resulting from impacts of the Earth’s changing climate. This hub hosts a collection of case studies, insights and reports to demonstrate how our industry is working together to adapt, innovate and invest in building a sustainable and financially resilient future.

Climate change demands that insurance changes

Our Director General, Hannah Gurga and Andy Briggs, Group CEO of Phoenix and Chair, ABI Board Sub-group on Climate Change, share their thoughts on how the insurance industry must rise to the challenge of climate change. 

Read their thoughts here





Supply Chain Guidance 

Our ‘Good Practice Guidance on engaging with supply chains for Insurance and Long-Term Savings Providers’ takes forward the first stage of our four pro-active steps set out in our Roadmap.

Read the guidance  

Our own Environmental Charter

We recognise the importance and urgency of addressing the climate crisis, particularly in light of our Board’s priority of addressing climate change. We want to uphold the best standards internally to reduce our environmental impact, and are committed to continuously reviewing and improving our own practices as we drive forward the climate agenda within the wider industry.

Read our commitments



People in the park

Insurers and long-term savings providers have an integral role to play in helping society be as resilient as possible to the impacts of climate change. Firms are investing in new technology, adapting their own operations and working to support customers in the face of a changing climate

As we collectively work to hasten net-zero emissions without off-setting by 2050, new opportunities have emerged which foster the innovation of green products and technologies. This green revolution is helping to power the mitigation work needed to reduce harmful emissions and uncouple carbon from economic growth.

Insurers already invest in sustainable initiatives such as windfarms and solar power, which are a good match with their long-term liabilities. However there remain challenges to enabling institutional investors to better measure and manage their exposure to climate risk.



Helen Avery, Director of Nature Programmes at the Green Finance Institute said:

The insurance and long-term savings industry is critical in supporting a transition to an economy that values and invests in the natural environment. This is not only due to the material physical, transition, and liability risk that businesses across the sector are exposed to through their operations and balance sheets; but also their ability to shift capital flows into nature-positive businesses, projects, and investments. The Green Finance Institute welcomes the Association for British Insurers’ leadership by developing a guide to action on nature for the industry and looks forward to supporting the industry’s leadership to ensure the protection and restoration of nature is embedded across the sector.

Karen Ellis, Chief Economist, WWF-UK


"The ABI have rightly recognised that nature underpins our entire economy and that urgent action from their members, business, government, and regulators is needed to address its alarming decline. We welcome the ABI’s leadership in setting out the clear business case to address nature loss, and demonstrating the critical role that the insurance sector can play in turning the tide. This is a clear call from industry for the government to set out a plan for how nature will be fully integrated into mandatory disclosures and financial regulation."

Steve Andrews, CEO, Earthwatch Europe

"The insurance and long-term savings sector must be open about its impact on nature and formulate plans for its protection. Not doing this poses risks not only to the business in question but also to the broader industry, economy and outlook for our planet.

We urge companies to be a positive influence both through transparency and nature positive business decisions, actively engaging stakeholders on nature and biodiversity issues. Only by being honest and open about their environmental impact can companies build trust and credibility with consumers, investors, and other stakeholders. I welcome ABI's Guide to Action on Nature and leadership and hope it is a platform its members can build on for the future.”

Darren Moorcroft, CEO, Woodland Trust

The insurance sector is at the forefront of dealing with increasing uncertainty unleashed by the climate and nature emergency. Tasked with insuring homes, businesses, and our health, mitigating and adapting to the impact of climate and nature-related risks like flooding and poor air quality is critical. The Woodland Trust welcomes this new guidance from the ABI which inspires and encourages its members to take leadership by building resilience through nature’s recovery. The guide rightly emphasises action now. This starts with stopping unacceptable harm: always protecting irreplaceable habitats, and otherwise following the mitigation hierarchy to first work with existing nature. We need to make significant investments today at landscape scale to enhance and protect the ecosystems we all rely on. When we set up people and nature to thrive, there is no better insurance policy.




Nature Strategy Report

As the trade body for the UK’s insurance and long-term savings sector, we have placed protecting people and planet at the heart of our work. Today we are launching our ‘Guide to Action on Nature' , written in collaboration with Will McDonald, to demystify the topic, building on the wealth of evidence, best practice and tools available. It also identifies drivers for change and next steps for the industry. In his guest blog, Will speaks to how those in our industry can start to address nature and biodiversity.

Climate Change Roadmap

In 2021 we launched a Climate Change Roadmap for the sector, a world-first for a domestic insurance market. Including ambitious new targets, investment innovation and a revolution in green products and services, we believe the Roadmap is the most demanding and far-reaching carbon reduction plan of any insurance and long-term savings sector in the world.


Solvency II: KPMG Analysis Commissioned by the ABI

Read the latest report commissioned by the ABI, and produced by KPMG, in response to the Government’s consultation on Solvency II. The analysis sets out how changes to the Matching Adjustment and the Risk Margin mechanisms could free up £95bn for re-investment, as well as providing broader benefits for the economy, HM Treasury and customers. These changes to the Solvency II regime would still ensure the industry holds enough capital to withstand a 1-in-200-year shock and meet its obligations whilst managing its assets responsibly and safely.


Engaging with ESG: Climate Change

The long-term savings industry has a crucial role to play in decarbonising the economy, supported by a growing number of savers who want their money to drive positive change. This report published by the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) explores the attitudes and approaches currently being implemented in relation to climate change and highlights areas where further support, guidance or intervention could be beneficial in order to improve engagement and implementation of appropriate risk management.