
  • Why Web 3 is too important for insurers to ignore


    From automated smart contracts to rapid and secure zero-knowledge authentication, Web 3 has shifted from a buzzword to a mainstream competitive differentiator. What are the potential benefits for your insurance business?

  • Health is everything: How insurers help secure the health of the nation


    Dr. Yvonne Braun, Director of Policy, Long-Term Savings, Health & Protection, ABI explains how health and protection insurance can complement the vital work of the NHS.

  • Delivering good customer outcomes: the role of corporate and social governance


    Join us at our annual conference to discuss the FCA’s new Consumer Duty and how executive and non-executive Board members are reacting to the fundamental challenges it presents about what a ‘good outcome’ looks like for their customers. The Consumer Duty goes live on 31 July 2023 and will involve lasting changes to culture and behaviour to deliver consistently good outcomes.

  • IFRS in a nutshell


    As IFRS 17 implementation finally draws near, KPMG UK Insurance Partners Nathan Patten and Susan Dreksler look at what the reforms mean, assess insurer readiness across the market and reflect on next steps.