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The future is now: Safeguarding the next generation in the face of uncertainty


Where: Association of British Insurers - UK Head Office - London, One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London, EC3N 2LB, United Kingdom

Registration: 10:00. This event will include a networking lunch.

Please note: This event has now sold out, please follow the 'register for this event' button at the bottom of this page to add your details to the waiting list.

Event registration closed

Bookings close at 17:00 on Wednesday 7th September 2022.

Why attend? | Speakers | Agenda | Price: Free

The relationship between money and health has never been more apparent. This is particularly true for younger generations. It is widely accepted that younger generations are less at risk of the viral effects of Covid-19. However, they are more at risk of economic insecurity and worsening long-term health, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Real wages have been plummeting for young people since 1997, while costs continue to increase. This event will explore the role that insurance can play alongside other solutions to protect the health and economic security of our most valuable asset, the next generation of workers.

Young people .jpgFor the first-time, long-term health problems are the largest single marker of economic inactivity, due to steep year-on-year rises in depression and mental ill-health. Mental health is a significant and growing problem for the economy, and the impact is not yet fully known. The pandemic and cost-of-living crisis are compounding the disadvantages already faced by younger generations. Not all demographics suffer equally. Economic and health inequalities are exacerbated for young people in minority groups and from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Given this starting point, it is no surprise that the young people of today are more likely to face financial precarity as they get older, rather than less. But what are the solutions, and how can the insurance industry help younger generations stay mentally, physically, and financially healthy in this brave new world? What is the role of the workplace and digital healthcare in preventing ill-health? Can access to better health data for insurers reduce health inequalities amongst the young?

Why attend?

  • Understand what the key opportunities and challenges are for insurers, and how insurers can lead by example in supporting younger generations.
  • Explore the opportunities in the current environment to become partners to government in the new world.
  • Network with colleagues across the health and protection industry to discuss the current changes affecting the industry.
  • Gain 3.5 CPD hours by attending this CII accredited event.

What will delegates learn?

By the end of this event delegates will be able to...

  • Identify the key future risks to younger generations and what insurers can do now to help mitigate their impact.
  • Describe why health promotion among younger generations is important, and the ways in which the private sector can support the prevention of ill-health in the UK, towards a healthier more resilient population and a thriving workforce.
  • Outline the differences between traditional customer needs and those of younger generations, and how insurance can remain a relevant solution in the future.

Keynote speakers:

Fiona Maleady-Crowe.jpgFiona Maleady-Crowe, Executive Director of Ethics, Compliance and Governance, Our Future Health

Confirmed speakers:

Event registration closed