Milo Bogaerts
CEO, UKI, Euler Hermes UK plc
Bogaerts began his career at Euler Hermes Netherlands in 1997, where he held a number of positions before joining Interpolis Kredietverzekeringen, a joint venture between Euler Hermes and Achmea, in 1999. He held various management positions with Interpolis and Achmea, and rejoined Euler Hermes as CEO for the Netherlands in 2012. He was named chairman of the Interpolis Supervisory Board in 2015, a position he held until Euler Hermes fully acquired the company in April 2016. In February 2016 he was appointed regional director for market management, commercial and distribution (MMCD) in Northern Europe, and moved to London. He is also currently a member of the supervisory board of Euler Hermes Poland. Bogaerts holds an MBA from TiasNimbas business school in the Netherlands.